To him it comes easy
To him it's a breeze
The profession of acting
Our master Keanu Reeves
He killed it in the Matrix
He Walked in the Clouds
A hero in Hard Ball
All I can say is "wow"
Nominated for Razzie's
For work on the screen
He would have won them
If it weren't for Charlie Sheen
Some say that he stinks
They think he's a stiff
But I know otherwise
He's acting's God's gift
To him it's a breeze
The profession of acting
Our master Keanu Reeves
He killed it in the Matrix
He Walked in the Clouds
A hero in Hard Ball
All I can say is "wow"
Nominated for Razzie's
For work on the screen
He would have won them
If it weren't for Charlie Sheen
Some say that he stinks
They think he's a stiff
But I know otherwise
He's acting's God's gift